The changing power of proven methods and a trusted therapist

I offer clients help with a wide range of personal and professional challenges, thanks to proven therapeutic frameworks.

I help clients and teams to reach their potential by building on their strengths

I use proven therapeutic frameworks like CBT, lifespan integration and PICT to guide clients to achieve their goals through their strengths. The challenges we face together include well-being, career, relationships, motivation, work through traumas, etc.
Our clients are guided through self-reflection with purpose and progress through personal learning pathways.

How I work as a therapist

I help clients with traumas, whether physical, emotional or sexual.

Life can get in the way of people functioning as their best selves. This can generate a certain numbness, a lack of connectivity and feeling with people, family and relationships, or even a deeper sense of disconnect with oneself.


 As a therapist, my job is to help with that reconnect.

I often rely on three main therapeutic tools. They are Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Lifespan Integration, and Parks Inner-Child Therapy (PICT).

My clients tend to find these three therapeutic tools the most helpful.

Explaining the methods: CBT, lifespan integration & PICT

We will draw from our experience to help achieve your goals with the approach that’s most suited to you and your situation.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

A proven, scientifically tested psychological treatment, CBT has become a popular approach for a range of challenges and shown exceptional results.

It tackles:

  1. Unhelpful ways of thinking
  2. Learned patterns & behaviours
  3. Learn better ways to cope

Lifespan Integration (LI)

Lifespan integration is a gentle approach based on the mind-body connection which is especially useful with relationship and emotional challenges:

  1. Anxiety, depression
  2. Self-confidence challenges
  3. Positive handling of situations

Parks Inner Child Therapy (PICT)

A combination of play therapy and behavioural therapy, PICT is especially useful to solve for parenting and caregiving goals, improving dynamics:

  1. Reduce negative behaviours,
  2. Improve communications
  3. Encourage better reactions

What I help clients with

It always start with what you hope to achieve. We then evaluate if we are a good fit for each other. If we are, we discuss the best way to work together.

Who is Susan Osborne

Susan Osborne is the Director of Anglia Therapy, and one of the top advisors for clinical and private clients, as well as a leading supervisor of therapists and practicioners.

1. Certified therapist

With multiple clinical therapy certifications, Susan is one of the best-certified therapists, coaches & counsellors in the U.K.

2. Work & life

Taking a holistic approach to her client’s lives, Susan looks at their whole lifestyle and how to best achieve their goals at home and at work.

3. Proven methods

CBT, lifespan integration and PICT, all of which Susan has vast, certified experience with, are proven methods which can help achieve a variety of goals.